Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dreams and holiday fun...a week of adventures

It has been a strange week for both of us. Nighttime has been the strangest. For the last few nights I have had some very weird dreams. The fact that I remember almost all of them is very significant, since for quite a while I haven't remembered very many of my dreams. And the most notable thing is that they are all kind of quirky. Dreams are a strange thing. I have always thought that. So we'll see how this goes.
It's also been a busy week. Especially yesterday. Our church puts on an annual Harvest Festival, a safe, alternative to Halloween. And it is no small fry either. We transformed our whole parking lot into a carnival with different booths, a very kid-friendly event. It was actually a great experience. Seth and I are still getting used to the people at the church, meeting them and entering the long, slow process of getting to know them. We were some of few people who helped set it up, run it, and tear it down who had never helped with those momentous occasions before. Talk about standing out like a sore thumb.
Overall the experience was a good one. I did notice that it is very difficult for me to be involved in an event like this and have no clue what I'm doing. I found that it is a very humbling thing for me to have to ask someone what to do next. Maybe it's part of my pride, maybe it's an issue of being very driven. Maybe a part of it has to do with wanting people to know that I'm a hard worker and I can get things done when a task is given. It would be much more enjoyable for me to know exactly what needs to be done and be able to set myself to do it. But I guess that's hard to do when you've never done it before. =)
Overall it was a good experience. The church really is a good group of people. As much as I feel like I barely know them and don't yet have much of a place of my own among them, it was good to spend a day with them.

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