Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy, Busy Weeks

The last few weeks have been full of all kinds of stuff.
At the beginning of the month we took a group of students from our high school and college groups to LIFE for Preview Day. It was a great weekend being able to show people our school and hang out with friends. On Saturday we went to Disneyland and had a FABULOUS time, especially on the new Toy Story ride!
Then Seth and I both got sick with colds...the first time we've been sick since we got married. It was an interesting week with naps and a day or two of going home from work early. But a great part of the week is that Seth's family came and visited us, and took us to Wicked! That was definitely a great experience and it was great to see Seth's family (makes me want to go home to be honest).
The next weekend we had my brother David come down for a break! It was great. We all relaxed and watched movies, played video games, read a little bit, hung out. And we carved pumpkins! Yay for fall experiences. At least the failing fall weather doesn't mean we can't do some fall-type things. We also baked pumpkin seeds for the first time. It was AWESOME.
The next few weeks are going to be just as busy. It's full of church stuff. Hopefully we will get a chance to relax here and there.


Seth said...

Who needs school to stay busy huh? ;)

Sarah said...

No kidding. It's okay if we don't have homework, we still somehow find things to fill the time...great.