Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I wrote this in response to an email my brothers sent out concerning the year 2008 and today's presidential election. I figured, "hey, why not add it to the blog?" So here it is.
It is true that we saw this year in as a year of new beginnings. And I totally agree with both Danny and Mike. My addition to all of this is that the year 2008 has brought a year of new beginnings, one of personal beginnings like no other for everyone that we are close to. I know that I have entered a new beginning simply by getting married and moving away, it's like every day is full of effects that come along with that new beginning. In fact, everyday is like a new beginning for me because that's how often I am faced with something new, something I have never done before, and the reality that God has called me into something I have never known and would have never guessed. And I know that each of you have gone through new beginnings that are significant this year, and perhaps new beginnings similar to what I am experiencing. And here America is at a cross roads. Perhaps it's because I'm young and have only been involved in two presidential elections, but this is an election like no other. And Danny's right....no matter what the outcome of this election American will face a new season. I will not pretend to know what this season will hold for America. But regardless, God is still God and He is the one ultimately still on the throne. He is not bound by the outcome of this election, and so whatever happens, He is still to be praised. Yes pray today, pray that God will be just what He promises to be, in charge and the one who takes care of His children.
I don't know about you guys, but I have heard people freak out at the idea of the candidate they do not support winning. The thing that feels so disheartening to me is that voters in general, have formed a critical attitude towards both candidates, not to mention the vice president candidates. I feel like in this, SOME Christian voters, perhaps miss the point. Romans 13 says that God places leaders in their positions and we are to submit to them (and that was written during the reign of Nero--who set fire to the city, totally destroyed it, blamed the Christians and tortured them for it). It just seems that at a time of decision, we need to pray for both candidates and ultimately pray that God would guide the country. The person who gets the position is there because God establishes it (Rom. 13:1) and we especially need to submit to the authority placed above us. I know that I have never really been one to jump on the idea of praying for the government, mainly due to not being informed and laziness. This election has shown me that this is a very important thing to do. Especially because whoever gets president has a very difficult task ahead of them.


Seth said...

The new things in life are terrifying and adrenaline inducing. Just thinking about it gets the butterflies stirred up in my stomach. But at the same time I think I would die without them. Newness is lifeblood to me, even though it makes me nervous. A great thing about God is that He is always about new beginnings. He never stops creating our story. If he did then I would quit... plain and simple.

Sarah said...

Yes I agree. If God decided to be someone who did not offer new mercies every morning, let's "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." I am thankful that he is always doing works in me and in those around me. He is faithful and He will continue to be faithful.