Monday, September 8, 2008

Changing Seasons

Seth and I were able to be on the worship team for LIFE's fall retreat this weekend. It was a great weekend, but a very interesting experience as well. We both realized that we are not a part of that environment anymore and it was strange. Obviously we are in a season of transition, in a season of learning how to be where we are and to build relationships with the people around us. LIFE is very much a place of familiarity, with people we know and love, a place of comfort. It is interesting to realize that God has moved us on, He has called us to do something else with our lives. The strange realization is how much I didn't expect to miss the college stage of my life so much. It seems like more than anything, this weekend showed me that as great and amazing as the college years are, they are not meant to be perpetual. They are meant to be temporary. Nevertheless I am thankful that I experienced these years at LIFE Pacific College.
So now to move on, learn how to still be involved at LIFE and carry on those friendships, and yet learn how to live in the season and the place God has placed us in now. What a strange and interesting place to find myself in.

1 comment:

Seth said...

Three cheers for difficult transitions! ...... ...... (chirp chirp)....... ......

Yeah, pretty much.