Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Youth Pastor Adventures

This Thursday Seth and I will be going to camp with our youth group. We have both realized how interesting it is to be going as the leaders of our group. This job has really brought us into so many things we have never done before. I guess that is the story of being newly weds, and newly embarking on our life journey. There's good stuff happening in our youth group. It seems like every week it gets easier and easier to interact with them, and we are secretly pining for recruits to LIFE (Hehe). Let's just say we have seen some youth who have some huge potential for being in the ministry in one way or another. It's so great to see young people (that makes me feel old, but I guess I am technically a young people too) so excited to follow God and do what He asks.

We have also recently been able to establish connections with other youth pastors in the area. It is exciting to see that we will be building up a network of people who are in the same boat we are who can encourage us and who we can encourage. It will be a great opportunity to be there for each other in many areas. So this is an update on the youth pastor part of our lives.


Joe and Audra said...

It's a lot of fun to get an update on your youth group. Sounds like you guys are busy with all of that. I hope you meet some great people/couples in the youth pastor arena to have as close friends. I'm glad to hear things are going well.

Erin Wood said...

Sounds awesome! I'm so excited to see how God works through you and Seth this coming year... I'm praying for you guys! Hope to see you soon - love ya!