Thursday, November 19, 2009

An Example Worth Following

In 1 Corinthians 10, it talks about the freedom of the believer. According to most people today, freedom entitles us to certain allowance. When you're free you can make you're own choices, you can live your life in such a way that no one has the right to tell you what to do. It's about independence and in many ways pride and learning how to be your own person and dictate your own lifestyle.
However, as a Christian, freedom has a much different definition. It is not to be used as an allowance to live life in whatever way we see fit. Nor is it about establishing our own independence and living life to fulfill our fleshly desires because we have the right to. Instead, it's about putting others above ourselves (vs. 24 "Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.") A phrase that has come to my mind repeatedly the last several years is, "Your life is not about you." I have found myself in situations that seemed unfair, like I was getting overlooked, and like I wasn't getting what I deserved. Only on the outside of those times have I realized that this outlook is based on pride and selfishness. Sometimes God places you around people, in times when your calling is more about them than it is about you feeling comfortable or like it's "fair" to you. Sometimes you're required to give up things you feel you're entitled to because God has a bigger purpose. And that reality should be what dictates your lifestyle.
Verse 31 says, "So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." This takes it a step further. Not only is your life about other people, it's about God. There should be a deeper motivation behind what you do. It's not to get a pat on the back, a high five or a "job well done!" from people. It's about making everything you do, every step you take, every thought you think, every word you say a conscious praise to God. This should make your fleshly desires disappear. Life is not for recognition from those around you, rather it's about living to the higher, ultimate calling of honoring God in everything. And then it all comes full circle.
1 Corinthians 11:1, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." I want my life to be one worth following. When people follow me, they should be ultimately following Christ. The scary realization is that if I live my life, saying I'm a Christian, as if I have rights to seek my own gain and fulfill my fleshly desires, those who watch me will do the same. That is not the way Christ lived. I need to make sure that those who are following me are following an accurate reflection of Christ's way of life...the way He made choices, the words He said to people, the motivations behind His actions. My life should be a reflection of this rather than a reflection of doing things my own way.

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