Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Somewhere along the process of living life certain things seem to fall away. Rarely is it a good thing. In fact, most of the time, it is detrimental to every area of life. I have noticed this has been true of my life the past few weeks.
It has been a very busy season of life, and one that is very unique compared to what I'm used to. In the process I am learning a lot about someone living life in fulltime ministry. There is a delicate balance, so delicate in fact that it can be easy to miss. Somewhere in the midst of everything, I have found myself feeling unplugged.
When busy seasons appear, I find it never takes long for me to forget the more important things in life. This can be anything from the simple task of brushing my teeth, to connecting with important people in my life. The most important thing I miss, however, is my daily connection with God. Regrettably, this fades into the background with everything else in my life. It's not something I am proud of, it just seems to be a repeated cycle that takes place. And eventually the effects of that absence are made painfully apparent.
When I am unplugged from the source, there are a number of things that result. Either I get anxious, depressed, irritable, exhausted, emotional, unmotivated or an unhealthy mix of everything. Along the process, I come to the realization that I am giving out of nothing. As far as my relationship with God is concerned, there is no such thing as reserves. I can't build up a stock of connection with Him that I can draw from when it seems inconvenient to connect with Him. It's that easy to become unplugged from Him, and the results are never good. I can only give so much when I'm not connected to Him. I can only minister so long when I'm unplugged from the source of power. And soon even that runs out.
May I learn in the process of all of this how important it is to remain plugged into my source of refreshment, peace and power. That's the only way I can minister and live my life to the fullest.