Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do What You Know How to Do

It's the year 2009. A year of doing what you know how to do. This Christmas was a wonderful time for us to spend time with our families. In the midst of that, I feel like God showed me something that I really need to grab ahold of for this year.
As may be pretty obvious in my blogs from last year, it has been a difficult few months adjusting to the newness of life. This season gave way to frustrations, restlessness, and a negative attitude that needed to be adjusted. My time home showed me that all of this can change if I incorporate one simple idea: return to the things I know how to do.
One of the major frustrations that I faced was that I felt I didn't know how to have a relationship with God in the midst of everything changing. Perhaps it was the busyness, perhaps it was the "shock" from the change, perhaps it was sheer laziness, but I was convinced that the way I knew how to do devotions or have time alone with God just wasn't going to work. While I was at home, I realized, why should it be any different? Hopefully at this point of my life and walk with God, I have figured out some things that work, some habits that are positive and a lifestyle that shows me loving God and loving people, or at least learning how to do it better on a daily basis. After all, I just finished Bible college, and hopefully I walked away with some skills for studying the Bible, and God has shown me in other seasons how to pray and seek Him. Perhaps my thinking about all of this has made things a bit more difficult than it needs to be. Perhaps I don't need to wait to learn how to do a different practice, but to simply look back to the seasons when I seemed to have an easier time seeking God and begin to do what I know how to do.
I pray this is something that happens for my life. Doing what I know how to do, and allowing God to teach me the things I don't know.